The End Times Narrative Requires A Praying Church

Two thousand years ago, our victorious and soon returning Messiah asked his disciples a simple question. Two thousand years later, our Messiah asks His disciples the same question. “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith in the earth?”  
As the story of the world rapidly progresses to the return of Christ and the New Age, it is imperative that the church of Christ is ready to above all “stand firm”1 in the place of prayer. In a time where perversion is rampant, and the ideas of men often allure the church2, the Bride must operate in the spirit of discernment and wisdom.
It is often said within christian culture that “a prayerless church is a powerless church.” The truth of this statement is profound and its consequences all encompassing. This phrase is usually applied at a random prayer meeting or perhaps a sunday morning to rouse the congregation to practice prayer on a more regular basis. The overwhelming majority of western Christians do not live a prayer centered lifestyle and the fruit of our lives often reflect that reality. Is there a model in which the believer can root their life in communal prayer? Surely, there is.
The house of prayer model is based on the model King David established for his tabernacle. In this model there was prayer day and night. People stood before God day and night making unceasing worship and prayer before heaven. The amount of resources dedicated to the tabernacle of David when converted to modern currency would astound even the most liberal spender. I am not saying the HOP (House of Prayer) is the only way to do “Church,” but I am offering it as an effective way to facilitate unceasing intercessory prayer and worship unto the Lord. This is a model that allows us to represent on the earth what is happening in heaven, unceasing worship unto God.3 According to Barna Research Group, a large portion of millennials and genzer’s are frustrated that that Church is only used for a few events a week. Why not center all of those events around unceasing intercessory prayer and worship?
As I reflect on the hour in which we live, I have come to the conclusion that in order to be in step with the will and heart of the Holy Spirit we must root our lives in prayer. It is in prayer where we are able to receive the plans of the Father and the strategy to complete it. Prayer is simply living with a keen awareness of His nearness and presence.
The days where His voice must be priority are now. The days where the Church must join our High Priest in intercession are now.4The days ahead are going to require the believer a knowledge of Jesus, a sensitivity to the sound of His voice, and in depth knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. In a day where the average christian struggles reading their bible, keeping a practice of prayer, the House of Prayer model enables the follower of Jesus to grow in their discipleship to Christ through the centrality of the Word of God and prayer. The end times narrative requires a praying church.
“When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith in the earth?”  This question comes on the heels of Jesus sharing a parable about a widow seeking justice. In Luke 18, Jesus goes into detail regarding the plight of a widow seeking justice. Day after day she pleads “give me justice against my adversary.” Day after day she is denied until one day she receives recompense. One day the unrighteous judge says, “yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice.” Jesus goes on to say, “will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily.” Jesus links the manifestation of justice to unceasing prayer and worship. Surely, he will give justice to those who cry to him day and night. Surely, he will not delay long and surely he will deliver justice to them speedily.
The end times narrative requires a praying church because the end times are marked by grave injustice and wickedness. The end times narrative requires a praying church because lawlessness increases5 and who else but a praying church has learned to love his law?6 The end times narrative requires a praying church because the love of most grows cold, and who other than a praying church walks in the love of God? The end times narrative requires a praying church because the end times are marked by an increase of deception and who else but a praying church can be equipped to be the buttress of truth?7
When we return to God’s methods we will achieve God’s results. As a Church, it is imperative that we look to prayer and union with the Holy Spirit as the lifeline for the days ahead. Let us learn the ways of this persistent widow and cry to him day and night.
1Ephesians 6:14
2Ephesians 4:14
3Isaiah 6:3
4Hebrews 7:25
5Matthew 24:12
6 Psalms 1:2
71 Timothy 3:15


amy - October 28th, 2023 at 8:19am

amen! Good word.

Emily Moorman - November 10th, 2023 at 12:17am

YES! So good my brother.